How To Host The Ultimate Summer Picnic!

Do you dream of hosting a fabulous picnic for family and friends? If so, try these tips for finding the the best picnic spots, making the yummiest snacks and playing the most enjoyable games on your day out!

Step 1: Set The Scene

  • A great way to add an extra element of fun to your day out is to plan your picnic around a theme! Get the kids involved with deciding what the theme will be. You can also get the children involved in some cooking and come up with inventive ways to make props and baked goods. Get creative when coming up with your theme based on the location you have in mind. Will you be having a Mad Hatters tea party in the forest or a pirate’s picnic by the beach? It’s all up to you, so get brainstorming! 

Step 2:  Prep The Snacks

  • Gone are the days of soggy sandwiches and warm squash on the menu at picnics, largely thanks to all the amazing parent bloggers out there! There are so many ways you can spice up the standard picnic menu. We recommend you check out My Fussy Eater and Mighty Moms who both have brilliant blogs packed with creative picnic snack ideas you can make and enjoy with the kids! 

Step 3:  Plan Games & Activities

  • Another great way to incorporate play into your picnic event is to make up your own variations of classic outdoor games such as relay racing and leap frog. Your games can range from being as silly to as competitive as you like! 

Step 4:  Pack Your Picnic Bounty

  • In addition to the usual freezer bag and ice-packs, these hacks will help you to accommodate family members both big and small during your picnic! The Cottage Market has a list of Quick and Easy Picnic Hacks which incorporates all sorts of household items from shower curtains, to cupcake baking trays. YouTuber Emily Norris has also put together a smashing video of 13 Clever Picnic Hacks You Must Try that will ensure everyone is comfortable and well fed!

Step 5: Enjoy The Day!

  • Now that you’ve prepped your location, snacks, supplies, props and activities - it’s time to head out on your picnic adventure. Check the weather one last time to ensure it won’t upset your day of outdoor fun! Once you’ve done all of the above, the only thing left on the agenda is to kick back and spend some priceless quality time with family!

Has your family signed up for the #SummerOfPlay? Take the pledge here! 

Still in need of some extra fun? Why don’t you send us a video of your little explorers getting involved in their own picnic activities to be featured on Caper’s official Instagram story?

It’s easy, just tag us on Instagram @go_caper #gocaper

Image by: Anton Diaz via Creative Commons